Category Archives for No Contact

10 Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics to Watch for During COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has been both a gift and a curse for narcissists – and survivors of narcissistic abuse. If you’ve managed to escape narcissistic manipulation and have begun a new life on your

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8 Things You Need From a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program

Living in the death grips of narcissistic abuse feels like you’re stuck in a spiraling black hole you’ll never get out of. Like an addict, you feel that every choice in your life led you to this horrible

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Why the Narcissist is Not There for You in Your Time of Need

Have you made the devastating discovery that the narcissist is not there for you when you need them the most? Have they met you with cold indifference when your emotions were in peril, sending you into

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Can Narcissism Be Cured? Too Many Tricksters Are Providing False Claims

Can narcissism be cured? Better yet, can a person’s love cure the narcissist? It’s an interesting and tantalizing question. Can there be a cure to the absurd and devastating insanity so many partners

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Breaking the Toxic Cycle of Trauma Bonding

When people think of unconditional love, they tend to imagine positive images of nurturing mothers or life-long friends. In these situations, the relationships have a healthy bond based on qualities like

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The Only Guaranteed “One Crazy Trick” for Dealing with a Narcissist

Not all narcissists are flagrant and boisterous with their abusive and manipulative behavior. Many are quiet, subdued, and put on an innocent face around people who don’t know them very well. In

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How to Get Rid of a Narcissist Who Won’t Leave You Alone

Have you been in a situation where you wondered how to get rid of a narcissist, but it felt like no matter what you did, you just couldn’t escape their toxic stronghold? Did you experience the never-ending

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Don’t Let Pride and Fear of the Unknown Keep You Stuck

3-minute read — Possible Trigger When I think back to my own dark night of narcissistic abuse, I often wish I’d left sooner than I did.  If truth be told, I am glad I went through the experience

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How to Hand Over a Colossal Fortune to the Narcissist

If you’ve tried going No Contact or have undergone numerous cycles of being discarded by the narcissist, then you’ve likely experienced this scenario: You’ve made it through four days

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