Dealing with a Narcissist

Are You Dealing With a 100% Narcissist?

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You’ve read hundreds of articles.

You’ve completed more checklists than Martha Stewart.

But still, you wonder…am I dealing with a 100% narcissist?

What if they’re only a narcissist some of the time?

What if they need my special kind of love and devotion?

This is the number one question I see out there in regards to narcissistic abuse recovery.  And with good reason.  Narcissists are masters at charades, making you believe that with any wrong move, you are throwing away all chances of keeping them in your life.

They make you doubt that they are 100% narcissist, which makes it seem so much harder to detach from the situation and do what’s best for you and your future.

In today’s video and article,  I’m going to answer the burning question that I see all over the Internet and that is, How can I be sure that someone is 100% narcissist?


Video Transcription

What Does Being 100% Narcissist Look Like?

If you look back in history, even the most horrific serial killers were not always 100% evil, so we can’t really go by the fact that sometimes, someone appears to be somewhat kind or nice.

Narcissists have all kinds of tricks in their bag that they use to fool you into thinking that perhaps they’re just a tortured soul who needs your special kind of love and understanding. This is why it is so commonly known that narcissists tend to prey on empathic people, or empaths, because empaths who haven’t successfully implemented their boundaries yet or learned how to protect their energy are often easier targets for narcissistic people.

And by the way, no judgment because I was that way for most of my life.

I have since learned to put up boundaries against anything that drains my energy.  And in situations where I do need to be there for someone, I have learned how to protect my energy, to ground myself, and how to cleanse and purify my aura, or my energy field, afterward.

But, what does being 100% narcissist even look like?

There’s really no way to tell. I think where a lot of people get confused is when they’re going through checklists – and there are some good ones and there are some not-so-good ones out there. I generally recommend using the DSM criteria, but that’s just a scratch on a surface because it doesn’t really tell you exactly how they use those particular traits to abuse people. It just says how they are.

So, if you’re looking at someone and you’re trying to figure out, are they really a narcissist or are they a hundred percent narcissist, it doesn’t really matter.

We Don’t Need to Slap a Label on Someone to Justify Leaving a Narcissistic Relationship

This applies to any kind of relationship, whether it is a romantic partner, a friend, a family member, or a coworker.  Sometimes, unfortunately, people do have to break free from their own family members. 

Because someone has shown seeming moments of kindness or consideration does not mean that they were sincere during those times.

It also doesn’t mean that because they were nice last week when they fixed you a pasta dinner, that they’re not an abusive narcissist. A lot of narcissists are very generous and caring and considerate until you start trying to put up boundaries or until you begin pointing out the things that they’re doing.  The reason they become angry is that they want to condition you not to bring up that they have been cruel or abusive.

What that might look like in practical measures is if someone has repeatedly lied to you, if someone has been unfaithful to you numerous times, and they keep making promises that they’re going to stop and then you find out they never stopped, or maybe they’re extremely verbally and emotionally abusive and they particularly do this when it’s just the two of you alone together.

Some of the more ‘garden variety’ types of narcissists don’t care about their appearance, so they might act a little wacky simply checking out at the grocery store with you. They might say things that are really unacceptable to you right in front of someone. Usually, it’s someone whom the narcissist deems as “lower” than they are. In those cases, they might feel a little more comfortable showing their true colors and, really, it’s to make you feel ashamed. 

But not all narcissists do that.

A lot of times they look like the pillar of their community. They might do a lot of volunteer work, which is called the altruistic narcissist, but behind closed doors, you get this really weird vibe from them and that’s when they feel comfortable being verbally and emotionally abusive. That’s where they tend to shame you. So, we don’t need a label in order to break free from a relationship.

Dealing with a narcissist
How Does Your Relationship Make You Feel on a Regular Basis?

I like to compare relationship dynamics to weather climates. What is your relationship climate? Do you have mostly sunny skies, maybe a little wind a couple of times a month, maybe a tsunami a few times a year? And then things are resolved in a respectable and reciprocal manner? Everyone cools off and comes back together as friends and as respecting partners, or whatever the case may be?

But if it’s the opposite, if there are volcanoes erupting every other day, you’re constantly putting out fires, and there are tsunamis and hurricanes going on all the time, but you had one day or two days during the month where things seemed a little smooth, you don’t want to focus on the two days. That is how we get ourselves into trouble is when we are not able to really look at the reality of the situation.

So if someone is really, really awful, 90% of the time, you don’t want to focus on the 10% because the thing you need to keep in mind is that most often the nice times when the narcissist seems like they’re being kind or considerate or generous, that’s an integrated part of the abuse. That’s what causes cognitive dissonance. It’s what causes you to doubt yourself and to doubt whether or not they’re actually abusive.

It ties into intermittent reinforcement, or as I like to call it, the hurt and rescue cycle.

They go along and they’re doing really hurtful things. They’re giving you the narcissistic silent treatment. They’re lying, they’re cheating, and then suddenly, “Come back honey.  I just can’t make it without you. You’re in my blood. I can’t imagine my life without you. Please come back. I’ve promised things are going to be different this time. I promise I’m going to treat you the way you deserve.”

Does that sound familiar? It probably does. Now, there is a small percentage of narcissistic people who don’t do the romantic Hoover, but most of them do because we as empaths or as compassionate and caring, people want to be able to see and believe that there is good in everyone, but that’s not always the case.

If you’ve ever heard me talking about cognitive empathy, or maybe you’ve read one of my articles that I wrote on it, cognitive empathy is a very dangerous kind of empathy that narcissists use to get inside your head, find out what your deepest dreams, desires, and also your deepest fears are –  your deepest wounds –  so that they know better how to hurt you. Cognitive empathy is used by torturers, cult leaders, and even car salesmen.

So, when you think the narcissist is being nice or kind, it’s usually a charade. You definitely want to keep this in mind. So the question is not are they 100% narcissist? The question should be, how do I feel inside this relationship on a regular basis? What is the relationship climate?

A person who truly cares about you is not going to try to shame you. Another way that you can gauge whether someone is exhibiting narcissistic traits is that things were super romantic, fun, exciting and adventurous in the beginning of the relationship and you felt like you had this connection that you have never ever felt with anyone else.

That lasted maybe three to six months or so. And then, suddenly, the little digs about your appearance, the way you dress. Maybe you’ve put on a few pounds, a person who truly cares about you and considers you a friend or a lover is not going to make you feel ashamed. Some may even feel a little closer to you. Maybe they feel like when you put on a few pounds, it means you’re happy in the relationship…and this happens a lot.  This is one of the things narcissists don’t want you to know.

A Relationship With a Narcissist is Fun, Exciting and Cool… in the Beginning

But then over time, you feel less of yourself, you feel less confident, you feel less attractive and even less intelligent. You start to feel like people that you have known in your whole life suddenly are looking at you in a different light.

Now that may be true.  There might be some people close to you who are looking at you when you’re talking about your relationship and they’re like, “Oh my God, I can’t even believe you’re telling me this!” and maybe you’re acting as though you can’t really tell if it’s really that bad and your friend’s looking at you like, “Whaaaaat??”

That means you have started to normalize the abuse and to normalize the dysfunction. This is a blueprint dynamic of a narcissistic relationship.

By contrast, in a regular relationship with a non-disordered person, the beginning of the relationship might be fun, but you might not have a connection right away. It might take a little while for you to build up a friendship and then as time goes on, you feel more comfortable with that person. You feel better about opening up. They’re not ridiculing you, they’re not using your deepest fears and desires and dreams and wishes against you.

They’re not using the things you told them as ammunition to break you down. These are the things you really want to focus on. Not whether someone is 100% narcissist.

Look at someone like Hitler. Consider the things he did, but he reportedly did not drink alcohol. There are so many different theories and stories out there, but according to one of his personal assistants, he didn’t even eat meat. He didn’t like the slaughter of animals.

Those are the things you should be looking at, instead of focusing on whether someone is 100% narcissist.  Because someone might seem to have one or two good traits doesn’t make them a good person. Start tracking and monitoring your relationship climate just like you do the weather. And then after a few weeks, sit down and figure out what is the reality of the situation?

Have you started to normalize abusive behaviors? Are you trying to make excuses and justify someone’s bad behaviors towards you because you have the dream, the wish that the relationship might work out somehow?

Yes, we have to deal with the trauma bonding. We have to deal with biochemical addictions.  That’s what makes leaving so difficult.  But once you get out and you start to heal, you’ll begin to realize that everything was lies, chaos, and basically a circus.

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The Dark Triad: Are We Gaslighting Ourselves About Narcissism? - Kim Saeed: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program says March 19, 2020

[…] Another mistake that we make is believing that if someone doesn’t check off all of the criteria on these checklists that you’re finding online, that they’re somehow safer to be with, and this is where I want to remind you that it only takes one pathological trait to completely destroy another person’s life. […]

    Karen says October 22, 2021

    I think that you want to see good in people but then people let you down. As for me one minute my father was nice next minute bad so I gave people so many chances and put myself last. I tolerate too much in thinking it is a kind thing to do and ignore the bad until sadly one day I woke up to reality and couldn’t handle it and I flipped. So many blogs here that I post on so as you can see I am not fully over things but compared to how I was I am getting better Why do narcs want to spoil your happiness when you have a good day and when you cry lack empathy. No wonder so many are mixed up. I once cried out for help from my mum in my thirties having problems my mums answer you don’t need your mum at your age. Ouch that hurt and yes I did but she made me feel ashamed for asking for her help.

Tio says November 11, 2019

Guarden your boundaries because there are people outside who can violate boundaries and can be angry if they can”t trample your rights boundaries to get what they want at the expense of everything and even at the cost of your life. At the outside they can look very normal reliable or innocent but inside they are abnormal and vicious. Erode your boundaries if they can get that if they get the chance. They don”t think of the consequences and dot want to held responsible for it and want to violate your rights further.

Santo says September 12, 2019

Your video of whether a spouse, friend or coworker is 100% narcissist is spot on!!! My wife (who i strongly believe is high on the NPD, and HPD scale as well) does almost everything you describe to a T. I often get to my breaking point because of the constant criticisms,
projection, deceit, randomly sabotaging finances, suspicious behaviors, inappropriate behaviors/boundaries when shes around other men, then gaslighting her inappropriate behavior “i never did that”, “that didnt happen” “i was just making him feel accepted” (when opening flirting with male guests in our home and in front of everyone), potential cheating based on her flirting,
double binds, her being chronically disagreeable & stirring the pot. I will tell her im at my breaking point, and then she will hoover me back in and will then be sweet as pie for a week or so with zero conflict. If i ever start to doubt her being cluster B or maybe believe her accusations when she says i have NPD, the proof is when she stops provoking and “behaves” like a relatively normal person we have low conflict. Then when my guard is down and i start to relax she will start these behaviors again. I see that i do everything you say to justify and minimize the abuse too. In the past, i started mirroring her behavior back at her and i stopped because i started to not recognize the person i was looking at in the mirror. Today i set boundaries with her which she does not like but its necessary and it stops her from creating chaos. Ill be honest and admit I struggle with the decision whether to go or not bc of fear, financial reasons, no available abuse services for men, no friends or family to help me move (im on permanent disabilty and have health issues that prevent me from moving myself) and the effect this will have on the kids. But i connected with a counselor this week to continue my healing. Do you have any suggestions for someone in my situation?

    Karen says October 22, 2021

    Hi Sando our son changed when his partner moved in with him. He became sad withdrawn always used to be happy gave hugs. His personality changed he was withdrawn lied so many things. He lost his best mate who lived with him. His best mate now ghosted visited us and told us our sons partner walked around the flat topless in front of sons best mate and asked if she could draw his penis. We found so many disgusting drawings she had done all on the same page as drawings of her nephew fully clothed but who puts such pictures with other drawings hardly respect for seven year old boys she has no filter. She one called me up and asked if I had sex when I was pregnant with my husband out of the blue when she was pregnant1 This was lock down never asked how or family are at the time our daughter was very ill major heart problem. After that never heard from her in months. These people blow your brains because they like I state as adults have no filter.

Ms Pagan says September 10, 2019

You used the word “circus” which is exactly what it feels like because its so much to contend with, its emotionally draining & exhausting and just too much to process & try to deal with. A narc is not worth the bother. I only recently found out that my husband is a full malignant but covert narcissist. He discarded me (but wont leave) and I exposed him. Oh, the rage…It IS a circus.

Jess says August 23, 2019

THIS ARTICLE was one of the biggest catalysts in my leaving the narc for good. I opened my email today & light heartedly chuckled and said to myself, ohhhhhh gurlllllllllllllll kim I already know IT DOESN’T MATTER 😉 Kim literally saved my life 4 years ago and because of her I personally know that healing is not just possible its wonderful. It IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!! TRUST YOURSELF & GET OUT NOW!!!! YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE IS WAITING!!!!

Roberto says August 23, 2019

Thank you Saeed very much. I also, have been wondering a lot about this topic: you’ve answered in a very clear and helpful way.

Susan says August 23, 2019

I was hoping I’d find the answer to a question that came up between my husband and me today here and thought, “Oo, synchronicity!” But your blog didn’t quite answer my question.

I think sometimes he exhibits some narcissistic traits, but he’s definitely not a narcissist based on this blog/video. However, over the past year, he’s made friends with a neighbor of ours who seemed all friendly towards me and he wanted me to meet his live-in girlfriend and all of us hang out together. The first time we met, it came out that his girlfriend’s mother is a narcissist and she’s the “scapegoat” child like me. Her BF quickly pointed out that his father was a narcissist too and seemed to be painting himself as a victim. We got together with them a few times, but he kept taking my husband out of the room and leaving me with her, where it very quickly became obvious she’s an alcoholic; in fact, the only time I’ve seen her NOT falling-down drunk was the first time we me. At the same time, BOTH of them were paying NO attention to their five-year-old son, who at one point was playing with a lit candle on the kitchen counter and I was the only person who noticed or did anything about it even though I’m not really a “kid person.”

As it turns out, the BF has told my husband that he doesn’t really love the GF, he’s not attracted to her anymore because she gained weight, and he only stays with her because of their son. He sneaks around on her, disappears without telling her where he’s going, takes her car without asking, was high on cocaine when he set one of them on fire, recently spent a week in jail for stealing her car. It had been months since I’d heard from him after I’d been having an e-mail exchange with him that started out relatively normal (his GF doesn’t use the computer and I don’t text)–and my husband would always come in the house sympathizing with his plight and making fun of her when they heard his GF yelling out his name all over the neighborhood when she couldn’t find him and he’d have to go home. So after she’d gotten my husband’s phone number (he ALSO hates texting), he came in the house all furious saying she’d spent all afternoon going back and forth sending him about 40 texts, according to him, asking him where her BF was when my husband didn’t know. My husband was so upset that I sent the guy what I thought was a polite e-mail trying to explain that, if her mother is a narcissist and she’s an empath or codependent, he’s making her feel abandoned and that his GF had been texting my husband all afternoon looking for him, so if he would just TELL her when he’s going out, I was sure it would stop making her so anxious and having to keep yelling his name out to the neighborhood all the time.

Almost immediately, he sent me what seemed like a very gaslighting, word-salady e-mail that had NOTHING to do with the topic and telling me that the texting never happened (she’d probably erased the texts; he once bragged to me that he used her phone to text her mother and then erased it so she wouldn’t know, so this is a very dysfunctional couple!). First he accused me of being a LIAR, then told me how wonderful his GF was and practically gave me a resume of all her educational accomplishments (sounding like she had denied texting my husband and was reading over his shoulder). He kept replying with increasingly nasty insults, pointing out all of MY flaws (after HE had told me all of HIS, including that he’s bipolar and doesn’t take his medication, as well as recounting the time he was high on cocaine and set the GF’s car on fire, which made it to the local news), but I stood my ground and progressively told him (1) he’s not welcome in our house anymore, (2) he’s not allowed on our property anymore, and finally (3) that their household environment wasn’t healthy for their disabled child and if he sent me ONE more e-mail, I was calling Child Protective Services. THAT finally stopped him dead in his tracks because NEITHER of them is a fit parent based on what I’ve seen personally, which you’d think would be their best behavior. I also asked my husband to tell him to stop harassing me. Then he got one final dig in, replying to me, “I forgive you.”

Then the next time we heard from him was about six months later when he was in jail for having taken his GF’s car (about the SIXTH one I know about that she’s had to replace because of him, and even my husband said he’s a terrible driver and he’d never let him drive his OWN car) asking my husband to come down and bail him out. We’re on a very limited income–while one of his gaslighting word-salad e-mails bragged that he has plenty of friends and family and is on good terms with all of them–and he needed $200 to be let out. I told my husband to let him stay there, but my husband took $200 out of what he called “his” money (like “his” money is special and my paltry disability income is for both of us since I’m the one who pays all the bills and has ZERO disposable income and he complains about my spending money on CBD oil while all kinds of new stuff for HIM that we haven’t discussed suddenly keeps appearing at our house and he’s been paying $150/week out of pocket because the company where he works scared him out of putting in the VALID Workers’ Comp claim he has against them for an injury he got with lots of witnesses???) and bailed the guy out.

Then he starts what seemed to me to be hoovering my husband back in (if he has such wonderful relationships with his friends and family, including his out-of-town grown daughter who isn’t hurting for money) by stopping by the house to “repay” my husband in increments for the bail money. Until one day, I look out the window to see him sitting in our back yard with my husband and the dog he said he got to protect ME, smoking and drinking beers together just like the old days. (Meanwhile, they both know I’m allergic to cigarette smoke, the door is open with only the screen door closed, and smoke is coming in the house.) So he gets up and pretends he was just leaving and thanks me, blah blah blah. And when I ask my husband what happened to him NOT being allowed on the property (and the deed is in MY name as I bought the house before he immigrated here, which explains how this guy takes advantage of his ignorance of the law, meaning, according to the police, that *I* have to sole right to decide who’s trespassing here and who’s not), it starts a big argument, and my husband turns into the “narcissist” (NOT the first narc I’ve been involved with) version of himself and calling me obscene names because I won’t let him have any friends and insulting me until I lose my temper and we end up storming apart and slamming doors on each other. But then the next morning, he ALWAYS acts like nothing happened and everything’s normal. Or if I say “I thought you said I was [obscenity deleted],” he says he’s sorry and didn’t mean it, and gets all nice and says he’s trying hard to cut down on his anger issues and drinking and smoking. (Meanwhile this “friend” of his was the one who SAID he wanted to accompany him to an AA meeting and help him cut down on his smoking, yet he just makes my husband WORSE when he’s around!)

So I had already pegged this guy as a narcissist, and my husband SEEMED to believe me … as long as the guy wasn’t around. I even sent him a copy of the e-mail exchange that ended with HIM forgiving ME just to PROVE it to him. Then it suddenly occurred to me, and I asked him: Why is this guy coming over every few days to pay you back the bail money? That’s not how bail works! And then I explained it to him, after which his “friend” stopped paying him back. Instead, he skipped bail, so my husband is still out $100 of “his” money. And I don’t even know whether it has an effect on his reputation. But he STILL insists this guy is his “friend” because he can’t find any other friends, and they sit and talk for hours on end together, drinking and smoking when I can’t get a whole sentence out before my husband walks away from me bored. I can’t even interrupt him to agree with him when he’s giving me a detailed account of every second of his work day or he gets angry, and other than him, I’m mostly housebound and have no social life. (Even using the computer is hard due to pain.)

So after at least a month of peace and quiet, we had ANOTHER argument after he told me this “friend” was in the hospital–meanwhile his GF has also been in the hospital recovering from a liver transplant–so I asked how he was doing, and he told me he was having lung problems, which I said could be from smoking (because I’m worried about my HUSBAND’S health!), so he said that, if I were a Christian, I should be a little more forgiving. I was like, “Forgiving of what?” And he made out that I was holding some kind of grudge against his friend over a little argument.

So I told him for about the 50th time that it’s NOT that I have or haven’t forgiven him; I CAN’T BE around narcissists. It’s like his nearly fatal beesting last year; I’m ALLERGIC to narcissists. That doesn’t mean I’m not forgiving him. Then he accuses me of not wanting me to have any friends (there’s always a misogynistic tone, especially when he makes fun of his friend’s GF, or any other woman’s voice for that matter, yet he keeps repeating the thing I told him I hated my EX-husband he insisted that I leave him for always saying, “Whatever”), and how do I know this guy is a narcissist anyway? I’m not qualified to identify a narcissist, he tells me.

Which (finally!) brings me to the topic of your blog: Um, based on all of the above, I think we can agree that this “friend” across the street *IS* a narcissist? If not, he sure does a GREAT impression of one. AND he’s got my number, knowing that my father, who lives next door to me, is a narcissist and that I could relate to his GF’s plight.

But more importantly, is my husband a covert narcissist too? Or does he just get “narcissistic fleas” whenever he’s around this guy? It’s like as soon as he even hangs up the phone with him, he turns into a raging, abusive narcissist himself!

Could you please do (or point me to) a more definitive blog/video I could show to my husband so that HE can learn to recognize a narcissist–and that I’m not holding a grudge; I’ve gone “no contact” with his so-called “friend” who doesn’t show back up in his life for six months despite living across the street and my husband having said, after I banned him from our property, that they were going to meet at the bar down the street once a week to play a game of pool so he could “straighten him out”? (Apparently thinking he can cure him instead of turning into a narcissist himself?) Also, do you think my HUSBAND is a covert narcissist? (If he is, I’m in big trouble because I’m disabled and getting worse with age, so I can’t earn any more money than what I get on Social Security, which bases its cost-of-living “increases” on the price of gas instead of what it SHOULD be based on, which is the skyrocketing price of FOOD!)

Thank you!

    Susan says August 23, 2019

    PS: One thing I forgot to mention: This “friend” of my husband’s also thinks he’s a super-Christian having originally wanted to become a priest and then becoming a “born-again” Christian and insisting on saying grace for all of us before a meal. I didn’t think my husband was on the phone long enough for that even to have come up, but all of a sudden he’s saying *I’M* not a Christian because I won’t “forgive” his friend? If my husband’s NOT a narcissist and would let me finish a sentence before getting bored with me (saying that my being disabled makes him feel lonely; at least he gets to get out of the house and work and see other people and feel useful every day!), how can I explain this to him? OK, I guess that goes back to my question about whether you can point me to some AUTHORITATIVE source on how to recognize a narcissist and that if you’re being abused by one you need to go “no contact”?

      Susan says August 23, 2019

      P.P.S. In fact, during the argument, my husband actually called ME “toxic”! I wonder where he got that word from if he doesn’t know anything about narcissists or think his “friend” is one. In fact, echoing HIS question of me about how do *I* know this guy is a narc, I asked him how HE knew *I* was “toxic,” and he was totally stymied and changed the subject. I’m starting to think he really *IS* a narc. (We got married before I ever really understood what a narcissist was except for superficially after I got the FULL treatment from ONE boyfriend and only LATER realized why I was such a “narcissist magnet”: because my FATHER is one. I was completely blind to his constant abuse of me and just thought I really was worthless until I read that the “Silent Treatment” was one of their favorite tools and remembered all the painful weeks and YEARS I’d spent living in the same house with him while he pretended I didn’t exist!) How do you get out of a narcissistic relationship when you’re disabled and would lose everything you have if you tried to leave them? And, in fact, they’re not even a citizen and could just go back “home” and not even pay you any alimony, although even if they stuck arounnd you know you’d lose to them in court because over half a century of narcissistic abuse has left you with CPTSD and you’re “emotionally dysregulated”? AND you have no friends or family. At least none that you can ask for help in an emergency. (Believe me, I’ve asked numerous friends just for a place to stay overnight, and every one of them either said “no” or “Can’t you just go to a shelter?” A shelter–if it’s not full–isn’t designed for disabled people. I’d rather just be alone for the rest of my life, which I seriously hope won’t be very much longer.)

    Jess says August 23, 2019

    My dear, Kim did answer your question. The answer truly is WHO CARES. If he was narcissistic, would that make it OK? The real question is, do you want to be treated like that for the rest of your life. The narcissistic tendency or lack thereof is irrelevant . You deserve better!

Lori says August 22, 2019

I’m not in a relationship at all. I just have a hanger-onner that won’t let go. I’ve been offered money n gifts, marriage … I’ve been threatened, had my kids threatened … had my family and friends infiltrated … I’ve been studied … hacked … stalked … had passwords changed on me … I’ve been told that what they can’t control, they destroy … My last committed relationship ended in 2012 … I have not dated since … I’ve had a few suitors since n a couple of those won’t let go. I keep saying no thank you and repeatedly telling them ‘I don’t want you in my life’ Unfortunately, they have a lot of money and influence with important people. Another thing is that they show up in my path. I went to the gym to take a shower and I was only there for a few minutes. I didn’t tell anyone where I went to the gym, or when. Someone popped up to meet me as I was getting out of the shower. (I’m a lesbian) They’ve hacked my computer and popped up on flights. I got off a flight at Kalamazoo in the middle of the night on my vacation and they were there with friends. Because they don’t live here … the local police can’t help much. I don’t sit and think about it often. I’m just living my life. I would like to date someone but my abuser blocks every new friend, potential date, and connection I make that they don’t already control. It’s a good thing that I enjoy my own company. Being independent helps a lot. I’ll die lonely before I’ll date them or anyone they know. I have some books here that have been of some help and the e-mails are positive. Boundaries are important to me and I feel disrespected by these people but nothing I do seems to get the message across that I don’t care who they are I just want them to go find someone else to irritate. … thanks again for listening … enjoy your evening … Lori

Jacqueline Arwood says August 22, 2019

I am an empath and recently started talking to my narc. As I was telling him that he is a narcissist,he then tells me how if he where a narcissist he would not say he’s expendable. I knew right then he was trying to get me to feel sorry for him. What a joke he is

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