Category Archives for Contemplating No Contact

What to Do When the Narcissist Downgrades After You

If you’ve left an abusive relationship and gotten rid of the narcissist in your life—first of all, congratulations! You are no longer the narcissist’s supply and can begin living a full and free

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10 Lies Narcissists Want to Program Into Your Mind

You may have heard of the use of positive affirmations to help rewire your thoughts so that you can think more positively, but negative affirmations can have the opposite effect. This is what narcissists

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Tips for Spotting a “Covert” Narcissist

The differences between a covert and overt narcissist are more obvious than you may realize.  For example, an overt narcissist has a big and arrogant personality, is selfish, demanding, and entitled while

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12 Red Flags You Are Dealing With a Malignant Narcissist

Malignant narcissists are among some of the most dangerous types of narcissists. They often meet the criteria for both narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder, and their behavior

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Relationship Red Flags You Need To Pay Attention To

Unhealthy and abusive relationships are far more common than most people realize. A recent study found that nearly 33% of Americans will be involved in at least one toxic relationship in their lives. In

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Are You Addicted to a Narcissist (and if so, What Do You Do About It?)

You can become a slave to alcohol or gambling or cocaine, and you have likely seen how people have destroyed their entire lives in the face of such harrowing addiction.  But can you actually be addicted

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The Top 9 Things Narcissists Say and What They Actually Mean

How can you tell if a narcissist is being honest?  Narcissists will say anything to get you to do what they want, and they have an arsenal of words to use to do this. Their victims need to know how these

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What is Love-Bombing and Why Is It So Dangerous?

If you’ve ever been involved with a narcissist or you’ve been the victim of narcissistic abuse, you’ve probably heard of ‘love-bombing.’ It is part of the unhealthy cycle of abuse that proves

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How To Know If a Narcissist Is Finished With You

Have things seemingly settled down in your tumultuous relationship? Is the narcissist done with their awful, obnoxious tricks? Can you finally move on and heal? How to know if a narcissist is finished

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