There are far more for you than against you

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~by Lolisha GLT Chaney

There are far more for you, than against you.

You are far from being alone. There are strangers strategically placed in your path that want to see you heal your life. There are people you haven’t even met yet, that want to help you succeed. 

You must believe in these unseen supporters so that you’re able to recognize them when you align.  There are programs, meetings, and events, created to provide exactly what you need.  There is an abundant supply of help to get you where you belong.  Stop seeing this world as your adversary and understand that there is a greater force working through the wheels of life to deliver it’s goods to you.

The people that turned you down, simply could not help you.  No matter what it looked like they possessed, they were not your avenue of deliverance.  However, your deliverance does exist in this earth.  There is someone with you on their mind as they toil to create what you need.  There is someone who feels your pain and wants to comfort you.  There is someone who has felt your pain so they know how to comfort you.  There is someone who wants to uplift you from discouragement and shine a light of hope on your life. 

There are groups of people gathering right now to make sure that when you need it, your resource is there.  There are students in class, acquiring the skills to provide you with services.  Someone is fighting for their life, so that you can have a better one.  

All over the world these events are taking place just for you.   

Often, we allow the rejection from a person, the denial of opportunities, or other circumstances color our life experience with a shade of isolation that’s false.  It is false because we have not let the light of possibility illuminate the full spectrum of the world around us.  We focus on the insufficient supply: the relationship where we were treated poorly and didn’t work out, the jobs we didn’t get, the people who told us we don’t have what it takes and we can’t make it.  Even the media will fall into this category as they deliver us vivid images of insufficiency: we are not enough, we don’t have enough, there won’t be enough.  We must do away with this fixation on scarcity and, rather, focus on the limitless possibilities around us. 

There is infinite potential in the world beyond our world.  Just beyond our awareness, lies an environment poised to come to our aid.  Just as taxi cabs and Uber drivers intentionally linger near passenger hangouts and 911 operators standby ready to take an emergency call, your help is near.

There are far more for you than against you!  Be thankful for every opportunity available to you, every person in support of you.  Allow yourself to be receptive enough to take advantage of all that is around you. The next time you feel alone, remember the power of possibility that surrounds you as life itself.  

About the Author

Lolisha Author BioLolisha GLT Chaney is a freelance writer and inspirational speaker from the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.  As a depression survivor, she draws upon the wealth of knowledge gained from her journey to emotional wholeness.  Lolisha has accepted the call to a higher lifestyle with a focus on helping others by telling her story with refreshing candor that resonates with the human experience.  This work is used to inspire others to remodel their lives from the inside-out; getting life together, one thought at a time. 


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Akeru - The Sanctity of Give and Take - Kim Saeed: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program says December 20, 2019

[…] In this world there are builders and there are destroyers. Those that beautify, those that destroy, and those that rebuild what has been destroyed. There are people who wound and there are people who heal. There are people who sell drugs, and there are people who help you get off drugs. There are people who bring blight to an area, and there are those who bring blessing. […]

Annie says October 16, 2016

Will I ever love again with this intensity. Or was it all bad that I even felt so much.

lisa thomson-The Great Escape... says October 16, 2016

This is a beautiful message. Thank you, Lolisha (such a beautiful name!). And thank you Kim for publishing this piece.

    Lolisha GLT says April 24, 2017

    Thank so much for the lovely feedback! ?

Eden says October 15, 2016

It’s been 15 months of NC, and for the most part I’ve been doing great. But sometimes, like this week, I seemed to get pulled back into the sad place. It’s a cycle that never seems to end. How can I feel so great for months at a time then without old feelings come up and it hurts so much. I recently discovered too that he’s now dating a woman he swore up and down was like his “little sister”. They say the keep to moving on is forgiveness, but Idk how to do that.

I know I did the right thing by leaving him, but sometimes the betrayal is too much to deal with. Logically I get it, but my heart and spirit…it’s too much. What can I do? I hate that I suffer still while he moves on without a conscience.

ThePinch says October 15, 2016

Hey Lisa, thanks for this. \

I would like to think that no contact is like taking off in a plane, but you have helped to remind me that it’s more like a roller coaster ride.

It’s been nearly six months,. He is in very terrible shape and even the neighbours are telling me to go and see him. He isolates all day with no electricity for months. But as a good friend reminded me, I’m not the only resource that he has. It’s just my addiction to him speaking.

I’ve come so close to reconnecting with him again out of pity that it FEELS like I did.. But then I remembered what it got me when I did this before. I have come so very, very far as a person since that fateful day April 23.

You are not alone, sister. I am glad you are out there. I wish you the best.

    Annie says October 16, 2016

    I just found out about yet another woman. He told me off…was incredibly cruel and actually has me wondering if I am the narcissist! Did I expect too much? Did I ask for too much? Did I fail to see and give what he needed?

Rainy says October 15, 2016

Dear Lisa, Hang in there…You are not alone in your feelings. A lot of us has been in your shoes and would love to reach out and extend a hand up. No contact is the key….you are on the path, Stay on it. Personal belongings should be disposed of. Perhaps a mutual friend. They are always that “link” or “trigger”, or will he come back and get them connection…or maybe that was too nice. Perhaps a bonfire in the backyard….did that once. Very cleansing and my friends toasted marsh mellows with me along with a few other toasts to narc removal. Don’t forget there is also Goodwill or Salvation Army for clothes etc. Congratulations on your no contact and stay strong. Sincerely, Rainy

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