By Kim Saeed
You disappeared so long ago
a slow, painful deliverance.
Your voice was silenced and you became invisible
as you vanished into your captor.
He bled your soul into his veins;
Because he can never be autonomous
He can never be you.
So he stole your spirit and made it his own.
A thousand years became a minute
You dwelled in purgatory, until…
You heard a voice
The voice you silenced
It said, I am still here…
So while no one was looking, you escaped through his laughter
Raw and vulnerable, afraid to be seen.
You hid under a dark cloud
His presence ever-ominous.
Afraid that no one would see you;
that no one would receive you
For you believe you’re not worthy
But, you are worthy.
I still remember you
I see you…not the cloud
I see your beautiful soul
I see the memories of you…the life and laughter you laid to rest
Your kindness, your potential, the contributions you made.
They were there all along
They never went away.
You were blinded…coded to erase yourself
You died to make him alive.
And he can’t survive without your soul
Take it back
Share with us your light…the gift that is you
Because I still remember you…