psychic cord cutting

Psychic Cord Cutting: Healing After Emotional Abuse and Trauma

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What is a psychic cord?

Psychic cords are energetic bonds that develop between people. This typically happens when they share a deeply intimate relationship, but also when one partner believes that their wholeness is reliant on the other partner, such as in emotionally abusive relationships.

The beliefs that create cords stem from unsatisfied needs and deeply held emotional patterns. That’s why people who’ve been involved with an emotional abuser, whether during childhood or in romantic relationships (or both) often seem to repeatedly enter relationships with these same types of people. 

psychic cords 1

Cords can be caused by many things…often, it’s because of an emotionally traumatic event or events. Or maybe we’ve allowed someone to disregard our boundaries, or perhaps we have no boundaries with those who are toxic to our mental and emotional well-being.

A psychic cord can create severe problems on emotional, subconscious, spiritual, energetic, and physical levels.  These cords are often the main reason for blocked creative energy, repressed self-expression, loss of personal power, unresolved anger, fear or grief, weak interpersonal boundaries, and poor health.

Although symptoms of cords can vary greatly, an individual will typically feel drained from specific relationships when a cord is present. When we want to let someone go because the relationship is unhealthy, the cords and the continuing psychic exchange between us and that person can hold us back. Below are signs that you have toxic psychic cords that need to be severed.

Symptoms of heavy cording include:

  • Inability to move on
  • Obsessing about an ex
  • Ruminating on things they said; reliving their constant judgment or criticism
  • Constant memories concerning things you used to do together
  • A compulsion to go back to the toxic relationship
  • Stalking your ex online through social media
  • Insomnia, or endless processing of the past
  • Deep feelings of sadness, anger, and depression regarding the past
  • Desiring to seek revenge, or constantly aware of unfair treatment
  • Crying all the time; an emotional shell
  • Turning down invitations from friends and family; stuck in the past

Clearing energetic cords that bind you to an emotional abuser is a must.  Not only will doing so sever the psychic ties with the abuser but will also clear the spiritual debris they picked up from sleeping with multiple partners, which they then spread to you when you shared intimate moments with them.  This can cause you to experience negative energies in your life.

The Cord Cutting Process

We often have misconceptions about relationships and perceptions about who we believe we are and who we think the other person is. Doing this work will help you overcome this, and begin to form a new outlook. Even if you are not able to feel anything in the beginning, trust that the process is occurring.

You can start by calling upon God, Jesus, your spiritual guides, or your higher self to help you with this process. Visualize yourself holding a crystal sword.  Say out loud, “I now cut and release the cords of this relationship with (person’s name)”, and while you are saying this, move your arms as if you were holding a sword and cut all around your body, remembering to cut above you and send intent.   

Visualize the sword going below you to cut the roots of the relationship. You might also visualize pulling up the roots and plucking them out of your energy field while continuing to cut with the sword. Visualize the energetic cords vanishing as you cut and pull them from you.

You may find as you do this, that some bundles may be more concentrated in the navel or heart area. Intimate relationships are typically more concentrated in the lower chakras.  (**This process can also be used to cut the psychic cords with narcissistic parents, alive or otherwise).

Continue to say the name of the person from whom you are cutting cords. When you feel you are done with that person and the relationship, pause and let yourself get a sense of whether or not the cord-cutting was successful. It is best to only do one relationship in a single psychic cord-cutting ceremony. Start with the one that occupies your mind and heart the most.cut cord

When you feel the process is complete, pause and breathe for a few moments.  Visualize a lavender light encircling you as you bask in your new, clean energy field. Allow your heart to expand and feel the connection to your Higher Self.  In doing this ceremony you have created a space.  By calling in the Divine and your higher Self, you bring in what you need to go forth and form the relationships you desire.

Next, simply relax and rest. You might even want to take a nap. You may feel hungry, drained, or simply peaceful. Even while you rest, the energy streams are dispersed as they go back to the time, person, and relationship.

You’ll want to also clear out the area where you performed the ritual through saging or diffusing essential oils, such as Release by Young Living.  It’s wonderful for psychic cord cutting and a great emotional support for this type of work.

Psychic cord-cutting is not generally recommended more than once a week. You need time to assimilate the work you have done and allow yourself time to develop new perspectives.

Cord-Cutting Can Help You to Emotionally  and Spiritually Release Someone

When you complete your cord-cutting ritual, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel. The transition process is often not instantaneous. Writing in a journal can aid in facilitating the transformation you are undergoing. The Yaqui Indians use a cord-cutting ceremony to help them deal with their grief following the passing of a loved one.

Similarly, when cutting ties with an ex or anyone who has caused you great emotional stress and trauma, the process can be used to heal the pain associated with the relationship and move on with your life. Doing this can help make future relationships more stable and balanced, and grant you the peace of mind that comes with learning from past experiences.

Through cord-cutting, you can take the negative feelings from the relationship or breakup and transform them into growth and strength, allowing you to become happier and healthier in your quest for a balanced healing approach.

How to Avoid Feelings of Guilt During or After the Cord-Cutting Process

The cord-cutting process, whether it involves ending a relationship or cutting ties with a person, can be emotionally challenging and may sometimes lead to feelings of guilt. It’s important to remember that everyone’s situation is unique, and these suggestions can help you navigate the process while minimizing guilt:

  1. Reflect on your decision: Before initiating the cord-cutting process, take the time to reflect on your reasons for doing so. Consider your emotional well-being, personal growth, and the overall healthiness of the relationship. Understanding your motivations can provide clarity and alleviate guilt.

  2. Set healthy boundaries: During and after the cord-cutting process, establish clear boundaries for yourself. Boundaries help protect your emotional well-being and prevent feelings of guilt from seeping in. It’s essential to prioritize your needs and maintain those boundaries firmly.

  3. Practice self-compassion: Recognize that it’s normal to experience guilt when making difficult decisions that might potentially impact others. Be kind and gentle with yourself throughout the process. Acknowledge your emotions, allow yourself to feel them, and remind yourself that you deserve happiness and fulfillment.

  4. Focus on personal growth: Shifting your focus towards personal growth and self-improvement can help alleviate guilt. Engage in activities that promote self-care, self-discovery, and personal development. Redirecting your energy towards positive endeavors can give you a sense of purpose and empowerment.

  5. Accept your decision: Once you’ve made the decision to cut cords, it’s important to accept it and let go of any lingering guilt. Remind yourself that you made the best decision for yourself, and trust that time will bring healing and understanding.

Imagine the Use of “Angel Honey” 

The general idea of using a gentle closure ritual can further alleviate guilt and discomfort when cutting cords.

In this hypothetical scenario, “angel honey” could be seen as a symbolic tool or ritual designed to enhance the positive and compassionate aspects of the cord-cutting process. Honey is often associated with sweetness, healing, and nurturing qualities in various cultural and spiritual contexts. The term “angel” may suggest a connection to higher spiritual realms or divine guidance.

By applying or using this “angel honey” during the cord-cutting process, the individual may believe that it enhances their intention of cutting cords with love, compassion, and forgiveness. It could serve as a symbolic gesture to remind oneself of the intention to let go of negative attachments while holding onto positive emotions and goodwill towards the other person.

The act of applying the “angel honey” could be seen as a ritualistic way to reinforce your desire to approach cord-cutting with kindness and empathy. It may help shift your focus from guilt or negativity towards a more positive and healing mindset. The sweet and nurturing qualities associated with honey might serve as a metaphorical reminder to approach the process with gentleness, understanding, and compassion.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of such practices can vary greatly depending on individual beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. If you find comfort or a sense of emotional release through rituals or symbolic tools like “angel honey,” it can be a valid part of your personal healing journey. However, it’s always essential to approach these practices with an open and discerning mind, being mindful of your own beliefs and seeking outside help if needed.

Remember, feelings of guilt are natural, but they shouldn’t overshadow your well-being and personal growth. By following these suggestions and being kind to yourself, you can navigate the cord-cutting process with greater ease and clarity.

How To Get Started On Healing Your Life After Emotional Abuse

Narcissists and other abusers don’t have the ability to connect with you on a truly intimate level (even though it often feels like this in the beginning). Instead, over time it will feel as if your spirit is slowly getting sick. This is how relationships with such individuals can cause spiritual injuries.

If you are being (or have been) emotionally or narcissistically abused, it probably has begun to feel like you are dealing with a stranger. All the connection you felt with them has vanished into thin air, and suddenly the person who used to feel like home to you has become some unknown entity who exudes boredom and irritation with you. 

If you know you need to purge the horrific addiction and devastating emotional and spiritual contamination from an emotional abuser, then consider joining my therapist-approved Break Free program and dive into comprehensive insights on toxic and abusive relationship patterns. Understand the dynamics that keep you trapped, so you can break free with newfound clarity and confidence.

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Brelee says May 15, 2023

Thank you for this! I need to do this! I have a CN sibling who after my parents passed started at me, accusing me of all kinds of crazy things that I didn’t do and had no part in. I felt completely blind sided! This started 10 years ago when my mom passed and has escalated after my father passed 4 years ago. The CN has now recruited the other sibling as their flying monkey, and I now deal with both of them. The two of them have pulled some very nasty things. They’ve tried to twist and turn the tables to make me the bad guy, while never owning their part in anything nor their hypocrisy, they have smeared me to anyone who will listen. I don’t try to defend or explain myself, as I know if I engage with them at all, it only gets worse, and in their minds makes me the guilty party…and feeds them supply. I’ve gone no contact, yet they don’t stop. I do not react in anyway whatsoever, yet privately, this just eats at me, and has me in tears often. I have dealt with autoimmune issues during the times when the siblings have created so much stress, and recently had a serious heart attack, I’m convinced the stress these two create in my life, played a role. I know they need to go, yet struggle with the fact that they are family, and the only close family I have left…even though, they certainly don’t treat me as family should treat family. Recently while in hospital, the sibling showed up unannounced and uninvited, and hung around for 3 days. They challenged every damn word out of my mouth, and I could not figure out why they were there, as they treat me with such distain. Until I challenged them and told them I was aware of their smear campaign, what they were saying and doing behind my back. They could not get out of my room fast enough, and I haven’t heard from them since…that was 3 1/2 months ago. They haven’t even enquired how I am, when my heart attack was serious enough, that I could have died! I have not heard one word from the CN at all. That alone tells me that they don’t deserve any part in my life…now to take the steps to cut the cords! Thank you!

Tracey Alex Westlake says August 1, 2022

I’d never heard of “cord cutting”, but about a fortnight ago, before I read anything about it, I went on a guided healing retreat at a Christian centre. During a time of meditation I had a vision of Jesus removing a rope which was tied tightly around my wrist. It looked like the sort of rope an animal would be led round with. I am still having bad days, but there is such an increase of peace overall that I know something deeper happened. I am also feeling somehow much more connected with my own body. I hadn’t even realised how disconnected from it I had been until this healing.

Anonymous says September 10, 2019

I am grateful for all of your suggestions and insights! After nearly a year I am free of most of the toxic influence. I always find something surprising and useful in in your blogs. I am regaining the transformational and spiritual ground that I nearly lost in that relationship. Feeling blessed and graced!

7 Painful Truths All Empaths Must Eventually Face About Narcissists - Kim Saeed: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program says September 8, 2019

[…] energy, as well as cause symptoms of depression and hopelessness.  Therefore, it’s critical to cut the energetic ties with the narcissist so you can move […]

Deepa Nair says August 10, 2019

Subconscious cord cutting

Deepa Nair says August 10, 2019

I want to know more about cord cutting.

How to Protect Yourself Against Psychic Hoovering says January 23, 2019

[…] Perform a cord-cutting ceremony at least once a week until the energetic ties are gone. […]

7 Painful Truths All Empaths Must Eventually Face About Narcissists - Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed says July 17, 2018

[…] energy, as well as cause symptoms of depression and hopelessness.  Therefore, it’s critical to cut the energetic ties with the narcissist so you can move […]

Anonymous says May 13, 2017

It was almost two years later and although I felt happy enough, I would have these crippling moments that would come out of nowhere and take me back to day one of my healing. Crying, feeling angry, checking out his social media. And of course, these were things I did in the early stages of my healing, but couldn’t understand why I would feel so overwhelmed emotionally, seemingly out of nowhere. Literally, one minute I could be laughing and having a great day and then would get ‘hit’ with these strong sensations of sadness or longing and I’d be stuck there for several days. It would fade and then a few weeks later or a month or two, it would happen again. It was almost cyclical.

We all go through that stage where we say we wanna let go, but deep down there is a place that refuses to accept that we weren’t loved, that it wasnt real, so we hold on. If you’re in that place then you cant fully move on, IMO. I wasnt in that place anymore and these bouts of emotional heaviness were ruining my ability to be consistently happy, ruining my peace. And as strange as it may sound, I began to recognize that the feelings I was experiencing were not coming from within me but from OUTSIDE. They were his! I’d always felt connected to him when we were a couple and the times when we were apart, which only strengthened my belief that we were soulmates and made it made it all the more difficult to accept what he was and end the relationship.

I was at my wits end. I was tired of feeling his misery, his anger, his sadness. I started seeing a therapist who validated what I was feeling and told me that yes, it IS possible to feel someone else’s energy and that they CAN project their energy on you, consciously or unconsciously. She gave me some tips on how to guard my energy field and we did some talk therapy to help me through the final stages of the hurt and pain. I took it one step further and went to see a reiki healer for cord cutting. Mind you, I’d never done anything like this before, but I was so desperate to be rid of this man and energy that I was willing to try anything. I really couldnt afford the cost of the session but again, I was desperate.

I told her what was going on and I laid down and she did a chakra alignment and cord pulling ritual. At one point she said, “Do you feel that?” And I’m like, “Uh, no. I dont feel anything.” After about an hour, I left. I didnt regret going but I also didnt feel any different. But again, I was willing to try anything. This was in January. It’s now May and I can tell you that it worked! The weeks that followed I felt increasingly lighter and free and hopeful. There has not been ONE emotional relapse. He still crosses my mind, but I am able to think of him and then move on. I am no longer overcome with inexplicable feelings of loneliness and sadness, regret, anger…nothing. I can enjoy my life without feeling like I’m carrying dead weight. Before the cord cutting, there were times when I literally felt like he was in the room with me.

So, if you’re struggling to get over a narc and you feel like you’ve done all the hard work but you just cant get over that hump, give cord cutting a try. I know there are ways to do it on your own, but I opted to go to a professional. Admittedly, I did peek at his FB page once or twice and he is now with the woman he claimed was just a friend or like his “little sister”. The difference is if I look, I shake my head and laugh and thank the heavens that it’s not me. Although, I still feel him from time to time, it’s not very strong at all, it’s momentary. The toxic ties that bound us are gone. Thank God.

tvjackiem says May 25, 2015

BodyTalk by Dr. John Veltheim, QuickPulse from Jo Dunning, and Access Consciousness Bars sessions are also great cord cutting techniques.

Where is My True Love? Letting go of the “Dream” to Make Space for the Real Thing | Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed says December 25, 2014

[…] the energy ties with past lovers, including the Narcissist. You need to unhook from past lovers to make space in your life for your true love.  Otherwise, you won’t be able to invest yourself […]

dougstuber says December 24, 2014

Christmas Lights

Red light pokes through Christmas snow as a carpet
of wet brown dead pine needles softens your walk
from Usang Apartments to Immundae, where you’ve
sat, looking at Ggachi in Sycamores for seven years.
One eighth of the life so far boiled down to a poem,
a gathering, a suspended, augmented, finally diminished
goodbye. But this is the season of hello, great merriment,
brotherhood, sisterhood: of Auld Lang Syne spiced with
eggnog, turkey, ham, the harvest feast to last through stronger
longer days, detectable to the naked eye on exactly December
twenty fifth. My home town got its first four-foot blast in
November, so those snow-covered lights will diffuse a bit longer
than usual, emitting just enough color to stop frozen tears
from forming, and keep long-weary souls enraptured as humans
long enough for love to bloom again. Fourteen hours of dark
but interrupted by lights many don’t take down until March. Why?
Because they know what color means to those who make their
appearance at Christmas then slink back, unable to match their desires
to the way the world really works. To them the Christmas Fa La La
means more than to the carol-leaders. A toast to quiet perseverance.

dougstuber says December 24, 2014

Christmas Lights

Red light pokes through Christmas snow as a carpet
of wet brown dead pine needles softens your walk
from Usang Apartments to Immundae, where you’ve
sat, looking at Ggachi in Sycamores for seven years.
One eighth of the life so far boiled down to a poem,
a gathering, a suspended, augmented, finally diminished
goodbye. But this is the season of hello, great merriment,
brotherhood, sisterhood: of Auld Lang Syne spiced with
eggnog, turkey, ham, the harvest feast to last through stronger
longer days, detectable to the naked eye on exactly December
twenty fifth. My home town got its first four-foot blast in
November, so those snow-covered lights will diffuse a bit longer
than usual, emitting just enough color to stop frozen tears
from forming, and keep long-weary souls enraptured as humans
long enough for love to bloom again. Fourteen hours of dark
but interrupted by lights many don’t take down until March. Why?
Because they know what color means to those who make their
appearance at Christmas then slink back, unable to match their desires
to the way the world really works. To them the Christmas Fa La La
means more than to the carol-leaders. A toast to quiet perseverance.

Justine Tindall says December 23, 2014

Along with many other articles you have wrote, this has helped me a lot. I recently left my narcissistic ex who was 19 years older. Together for 3 years brainwashed with lavish gifts and smothering love. I was constantly accused of cheating, a drug addict, an alchoholic, a ni**** lover, or that i didn’t love him respect him. Push me down just to bring me back up with “i was legitimately upset” or “you did this to me”. Screaming, accusing, controlling, obsessive, possessive, 200 texts a day 200 calls, threats to arrest me sue me, then he loves me, says my mother is no good and i need to remove her from my loop, lies, keeps women in his stock…the list goes on, name it hes done it.
This website has truly saved my life. Thank you Kim

Psychic Cord Cutting as Part of the Healing Process | My Blog says July 25, 2014

[…] Psychic Cord Cutting as Part of the Healing Process. […]

thewondermya says July 10, 2014

Reblogged this on Healing my codependency and your narcissism and commented:
The perfect way to break free and regain sanity and a life ! Thanks for posting this !

Exit 4A says July 10, 2014

Fabulous and enlightening post. Thank you for pointing out that I am among those who are still “tied” psychically. I will work on cutting the rest of the chords that remain after having a 26-yr (on-and-off) affair. I think I’m already in a pretty good place après-affair, but obviously have a lot of work left to do. This blog post is a keeper!

    Kim Saeed says August 9, 2014

    Thank you for commenting, Exit 4A!

    I’ve found that sometimes the cord cutting needs to be repeated a few times in order to be fully effective.

    Did you find similar results?


aveline07 says July 10, 2014

Thanks Kim…I’m happy to say that I’m near 3 months of no/low contact…a lot the work of “cutting this cord” has come from reading your blog and communicating with you personally. No contact (in my case, modified contact due to our children…parallel parenting). Things have been changing almost daily for me as I continue the work of healing and focussing on my own life, separate from the emotional “tethers” (my counsellor’s words) that were still drawing me back into negative spaces. The remaining tie – our children. And I am in a MUCH MUCH healthier and better space for modelling boundaries in relationships with people who are difficult/toxic. Visualizing and having metaphors for this process is incredibly powerful. Thank you.

RodMan says July 9, 2014

Wow, wow, wow. Yes, every symptom (with the exception of judgment and criticism) were all prevalent in my relationship. So, so true. Today was actually the first day I truly felt free from the negative tractor beam of this relationship. I had my nephew with me the last couple days, and spending quality time with him truly helped heal a lot of the burden I have been feeling. it is true that there are good days and bad days when you start the process of initiating NC. I am in my third month of no texting, and 5th of no speaking. It gets better month to month, but there are days where it feels like it happened yesterday. Today, I feel I had a bit of a breakthrough. I will perform this exercise. I am getting better…THANK YOU AGAIN.

kimberlyharding says July 9, 2014

Great work leading everyone through this important process. Necessary for healing and moving on.

    Kim Saeed says July 9, 2014

    Thanks, Kimberly! So great to see you here, too 🙂

Paula says July 9, 2014

Very important subject. Always mentioning cutting the cord and keeping that energy for ourselves. Our recovery depends on it. 🙂

    Kim Saeed says July 9, 2014

    Thanks, Paula! I completely agree with both of your points <3

ToThineOwnSelfBeTrue says July 9, 2014

WOW…I have every one of those symptoms of heavy cording. This very morning I was driving to work and begging God to help me stop these exact same things. I have good days and bad – I had 24 years dealing with my narcissist and I also believe my mother was one also – who has been out of my life for at least 30 years. Why was it so much easier to cut the cord with my mother than it was my ex-husband. I don’t know…but I will continue to pray and I will certainly try this exercise. This website has continued to come to my rescue – I do believe in God and I do believe that every time I feel weak – He intervenes and another post has been made to this page. Thank you Kim!

    Kim Saeed says July 9, 2014

    Wow, thank you for sharing and also for letting me know my website is helpful to you. Comments such as yours keep me going 🙂

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