When recovering from the effects of Narcissistic abuse, one should incorporate activities and foods that help repair cellular damage brought on by long-term stress and emotional trauma. This recipe can repair damaged cellular structures, DNA, and cognitive functioning…as well as protect against cancer and diabetes. I would recommend consuming this smoothie at least 4 times a week, if not daily. Further, kefir has been scientifically proven to decrease anxiety and depression because it helps increase the amount of “good bacteria” in the gut, which is where most of our serotonin (one of the “feel-good” chemicals) is produced.
Healing Blueberry Smoothie
In an 18 oz cup, blend all of the following:
1 and 1/2 cups Kefir – Plain
1 cup raw, organic blueberries – washed
1 drop Young Living Frankincense oil – (I only recommend Young Living for internal use)
½ cup spring water (or more, depending on texture preferences)
2 teaspoons organic honey (or more if you prefer a sweeter taste)
Mix until well-blended and get your healing on!
** If you are dairy-free, you can learn to make your own water kefir by clicking on the link.
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