Have you been entangled in a court battle with the narcissist and just want the Judge to “get it” in regards to your nefarious ex?
Do you wonder why no one else can see what an immoral jester the narcissist is, all while you’ve had to go on medication just to make it through the day due to the emotional abuse you’ve endured?
Do you want to win in court against the narcissist by proving to the Judge that your ex is a crazy, conniving, lying abuser who could do major damage to you and your children?
Or, maybe you haven’t gone to court yet, but the mere thought of it makes you recoil because you know what a good actor the narcissist is.
I hear you. Going to court with the narcissist is enough to make you want to drive off a cliff, except that your children would then be left with the dubious antics of a bully who never matured emotionally.
Or, if you don’t share children, you could lose everything you’ve worked for at the drop of a gavel.
So, how do you get the Judge to see precisely how malevolent your ex is?
While some extreme cases will require extra effort, such as if your ex borders on sociopathic, breaking into your home, poisoning Fido, and slashing your car tires (in which case you’ll need a home alarm system, hidden cameras, a good lawyer, and a private investigator), there are things you can do which will increase your chances of winning against the garden-variety narcissist in court (and establish your credibility).
How to Increase Your Chances of Winning Against the Narcissist in Court
Fortunately, many of the recommendations I share here are ones I personally used that proved successful. However, know up front that they may be uncomfortable because they’re likely actions you never thought you’d be faced with having to execute in your life. Better to feel the burn, though, and hopefully win the case than to hand over a victory to the narcissist.
#1 – If your Ex’s behaviors are escalating, call the police and file a restraining order
Imagine this scenario – your Ex has started:
- following you around town
- showing up in the parking lot at your place of employment
- destroying your sentimental family heirlooms
- being verbally abusive to you (and your children, if applicable)
- your pet suddenly disappears
- the lock on your front door has been picked a few times
Yet, as disturbing as these events are, you don’t call the police or file a restraining order.
Later, you go to court for divorce or custody and try to tell the Judge about these events. The first thing he or she will ask for is a police report or copy of a restraining order. You don’t have one. Your chances of winning and your credibility just took a huge blow.
How can you prove to the Judge that your ex is unstable if you haven’t taken basic steps through the legal system? Yeah, it sucks and you might experience intolerable levels of anxiety and guilt, but you’re in no man’s land now.
Your only hope for a possible victory is to protect yourself (and your children) at all costs.
Calling the police and filing a restraining order often seems like a hypervigilant act to narcissistic abuse victims because they are compassionate, empathic people who don’t like conflict. If this sounds like you, you’ve got to understand that if you don’t follow the line of order in protecting yourself, you will only regret it later. Your future – and your role as a parent – are at stake.
#2 – Visit your local Domestic Violence center and get yourself a case manager
While states vary in responding to domestic abuse cases, most Domestic Violence centers are educated in the dynamics of emotional abuse and generally work with people who have not been physically abused.
One of the most powerful steps I took in winning a restraining order against my ex was opening a case with my local DV center. At that time, I couldn’t afford my own attorney, but my case manager at the DV center helped prepare me so well, I won the case pro se against my Ex and his attorney.
DV case managers cannot represent you in court, but they can help you in other invaluable ways. First, when you show up to your hearing with your case manager sitting in the pews on your behalf, Judges take note. Second, the case managers at these centers are familiar with the Judges and know exactly what each one will want from you in the form of evidence when you go to your hearing. Third, they generally know about emotional abuse and can help you present yourself in court in a way that will be credible and effective.
Most centers also offer:
- Crisis intervention
- Outreach counseling
- Case management
- Court advocacy and accompaniment
- Emergency and transitional housing
- Legal assistance
- Financial assistance for victims in a crisis situation
- Support groups for past and present victims of abuse
#3 – Document everything
When it comes to equipping yourself against the narcissist in court, documentation is your best friend. Document everything. Get two binders – one for you and one for your attorney. Keep copies of emails and text messages (especially threatening ones). Print them out and put them in both binders. Keep logs of all police reports you may have filed, copies of any restraining orders, messages that the narcissist sends you via social media, and missed visitations if you share custody of children. If they fail to take your child to the doctor in the event of illness, document that, too.
It would also behoove you to do a background check on the narcissist to see if there are any old or existing charges against them. It would help your case if you could show up to court with charges against your ex for assault and battery, restraining orders, or DUIs.
Lastly, if the narcissist is engaging in hostile activities, such as slicing your car tires, hurting your pet, destroying your property or belongings, or being physically abusive, take pictures. (If your situation involves physical assault, call 9-1-1 immediately. Physical abuse is never okay or justified, even if you feel like you “brought it on”).
A word to the wise…under no circumstances should you tell the narcissist that you are documenting their actions. While you may feel tempted to share this with them in the hopes they’ll toe the line and be responsible, it will only help them put on a better charade all, while they continue their manipulations and irresponsible behaviors.
#4 – If you share custody, follow the court agreement to the t
Do not cave in to any requests from the narcissist to go against the agreement. If you allow it once, it will become part of your long-term arrangement. It not only upsets your kids’ routines, but it also opens the door for your Ex to continue taking advantage of you. If you do make any exceptions, they should only be in the event of their confirmed illness or injury. Are they claiming that they’ve broken a bone? Been diagnosed with a crippling disease? Request documentation from their doctor.
Your ex needs to make their personal plans during the times your kids are with you. Not the other way around. If you cave each time this happens, it makes it more difficult for you to have a case in the event you want to file for a modification of custody later.
If you don’t yet have a custody agreement in place, make sure you specify in the agreement exactly which days or nights the narcissist can call. Do not leave this area open to chance. Otherwise, you will feel obligated to answer every time the narcissist calls…and believe me, the narcissist will use this to their advantage.
Your job is to create peace for yourself and your children. Leaving yourself at the narcissist’s whim isn’t going to accomplish that.
Read: The Art of Modified Contact – 5 Steps to Lessen the Madness
The best thing you can do is change your cell phone number and insist they call you on your landline. If you don’t have one, get one. Then, sign up for a supervised email system such as Our Family Wizard. This system cuts down on stealth attacks and keeps your children out of the middle. Ask your attorney about putting this in your court agreement.
Never use your children to relay messages back and forth with the narcissist. This isn’t their responsibility, plus it puts them in the middle – a place they don’t belong. They shouldn’t be burdened with adult responsibilities. If your ex is doing this, alert your attorney so you can modify the custody agreement to order the narcissist to stop doing this.
#5 – Don’t give the narcissist the benefit of the doubt
When you are facing court with the narcissist, do not fall under the false impression that they’re feeling nostalgic and pining away for things to go back to the way they once were.
If your partner or ex meets the criteria of having high levels of narcissism, you should keep this fact in mind when they contact you, pretending to be remorseful or wanting to be friends. Almost all narcissists do this and your partner or ex is no exception.
It’s easy for empaths and highly sensitive targets of abuse to assume the narcissist feels the same emotions that they do. They don’t. However, they know you want them to and so they will use this soft spot to lay on the charm or try to guilt you into believing you’re overreacting. You’re not.
I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve worked with who gave the narcissist the benefit of the doubt and ended up loathing themselves for it.
#6 – Don’t lose it in front of the Judge
When you’re faced with the possibility of co-parenting with a narcissist and/or losing everything to them, it feels intolerable. It’s unfair that someone so devious and nefarious can fool the courts into believing they’re just another person trying to catch a break or get what’s fair.
It’s enough to drive you ape sh**. In fact, per Dr. Judith Herman, author of Trauma and Recovery, people who experience long-term trauma (such as emotional abuse) often develop symptoms that clinicians may misdiagnose, such as Borderline, Dependent, or Masochistic Personality Disorder.[1]
The last thing you want to do is go into court and become unstable in front of the Judge. You’ll need to be business-like and as unemotional as possible. Save your meltdown for when you get back home. At the hearing, maintain your composure, present only facts, and you will make a good impression in front of the Judge, which will pay off nicely if your ex is trying to paint you as a lunatic.
#7 – Don’t freak out over the narcissist’s threats that they will take your children away or destroy you in court
It’s scary when the narcissist threatens to rip your children away from you or claims they can have you carted off to prison in one court hearing.
The reality, though, is that they’ll need evidence to prove you’re an unfit parent or have committed crimes so heinous, you’ll be ordered to wear an orange jumpsuit before you even leave the courtroom.
If you’ve been a good parent, have no blemishes on your record (such as old drug charges), and can prove you’ve been the one who cares for your children, it’s highly unlikely a Judge will rip your children away from you.
If you don’t have children, the narcissist will still have to provide proof that you’ve taken part in shady practices in order to gain an advantage in court.
While I can’t speak in regards to all narcissists, many of them hang themselves with their own rope. And though I can’t predict what will happen in your particular case, following these steps will certainly give you an advantage and increase your chances of winning in court against the narcissist.
[1] Herman, Judith. “PTSD: National Center for PTSD.” Complex PTSD -. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.