“Narcissistic Lies” is one of the top search terms on Google regarding narcissists.
If you’ve discovered the Narcissist in your life has been telling lies about you, you can bet money they’ve smeared your character to anyone with two ears. In the dictionary of narc-manipulations, it’s called a “smear campaign”.
This is the time when you need to surround yourself with an imaginary white bubble to ward off any negative energy that could find its way to you during this difficult time. I’ve been through this, and it’s no fun.
You’ll also want to cut off all contact with any friends or acquaintances you made through the Narcissist in your life unless you really trust them, and even then, I would lean towards being safe rather than sorry.
Narcissists Tell Convincing Lies
According to Linda Martinez Lewi Ph D:
Narcissists are masterful liars. They are brazen and glib with their lies. Clever narcissists get away with their mendacity because it is second nature to them. They cut their teeth on learning how to lie by omission or commission. When most of us lie, we squirm. The narcissist luxuriates in the lies that he uses to defeat his personal and professional opponents. Since he or she does not have a developed conscience, a lie here and there is an advantage to reaching his goal faster than anyone else.
Narcissistic lying becomes very ugly during the divorce process. The narcissist often spreads rumors about his former partner that are outrageous, damaging and completely untrue. Because his powers of persuasion are so highly developed many narcissists convince others that their spouse is to blame for all the chaos caused by the divorce. I have had non narcissistic spouses tell me that their narcissistic partner told large numbers of their acquaintances and family members that his husband or wife was mentally unstable, alcoholic, a drug addict, an irresponsible parent who was incapable of taking care of their children, promiscuous—the cruel litany of accusations and fabrications is endless. The narcissist is very believable to most people. He or she knows just what words to use, the right approach to take and the masterfully persuasive manner that will win others to his/her side.
To prevail psychologically and emotionally when a narcissist is off on one of his missions to tear you down, flex your muscles, recognize your strength and integrity to defeat this coward, turn to a small group of close friends worthy of your trust and discuss this matter with your therapist and the attorney who is representing you. It is vital that you be legally represented by an attorney who is highly experienced and sophisticated in dealing with these highly manipulative and exploitive individuals in the thickets of domestic issues. Draw on all of your strengths. You will be surprised at the resources you have access to deep inside that have remained dormant. Bring them out of the shadows, dust them off, shine them up and look forward to victory.
If you’ve found yourself at the receiving end of the narcissist’s smear campaign, download your free Beginner’s Healing Toolkit below so you can build up your reserves and stand strong in the face of their lies!