~By Mohadesa Najumi~
Dear Woman Who’s Made to Feel Like She’s Difficult to Love,
You beautiful, soft delicate thing.
You intricate thing.
Why do you let the world penetrate you so deep? All their hurt and anger at your eternal fire,
Fire always struggles in the ocean.
He’s done it so many times. Made you feel like you’re difficult to love.
Almost every man has,
All their little idiosyncrasies that dig in like little swords going into your back.
You’re far from difficult to love.
Birds fall in love with you during their migration.
Even tree branches want to wrap around you,
And more importantly, you love yourself.
You’re the sun that gives life whilst expecting nothing in return.
Women are selfless lovers, we love for love, without questions.
How can we ever be difficult to love? We are the lovers.
A world without a woman’s love is unimaginable.
You are not difficult to love.
You are not difficult to love.
No woman on earth is.
Our skin cells are the very fabric of nurturing, of care, of soaking up others pain as if it were our own.
Women are the sponges for spilt blood.
I know that you feel deeply, a lot more than others do.
You think that makes you “too different” and sometimes being “different” hurts because of all the blood there is to soak up.
I love you as if you were my own skin, because I know how it feels to sit in a room,
Filled with people who find you unloveable.
Your strength and mine are one and the same.
You are not a boulder obstructing the path to love.
You are a vessel filling the crater with love,
And you are boundless, a vessel that can pour infinite amounts in loads.
Liberate yourself from people who make you feel you’re hard to love
You will learn to…
- Begin living congruently with your desire to live a healed life
- Gentle healing activities that will repair your adrenal glands and improve your frame of mind
- Address your core wounding and make empowering shifts that will bring clarity and joy
- + Much more…
I will give you multi-media training (printables and videos) to help you set limits and create stronger boundaries against emotional manipulation that has caused you to act out of character. Take the course on your own time, at your own pace. Your subscription never expires, and you can come back and review a lesson anytime you need it.
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Mohadesa Najumi is a writer and an aspiring political scientist. Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, CounterPunch and GreenLeft Weekly. Her research interests include democratic theory, post-representative societies, political power and inclusion, intersectional feminism, women’s rights, existentialism philosophy, gender binaries, secularism, challenging the traditional, liberal paradigm, post-colonialism, development, Latin America, MENA, U.S foreign policy and global social, resistance and revolutionary movements.
**Posted with permission from Mohadesa. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talents!