Nourishing Images
Images of violence incite the fight-or-flight survival mode, which in turn secretes stress hormones into our system, even if there is no threat to life.
Images of peace have the opposite effect, evoking the natural chemistry of pleasure and comfort.
If you are recovering from Narcissistic abuse (or if you just want to experience more peace), avoid disturbing images, movies and news articles that will produce conscious and subconscious feelings of stress, anxiety, and the need for survival.
Make the conscious choice to experience regular doses of visual nourishment. Take walks in the park. Look up into the sky and see its vast panorama to expand your mind and sense of self. View movies and images that inspire, amuse, and leave you feeling enthusiastic about life. Look into the eyes of the people you love and make a soul-to-soul connection. Use the sense of sight to awaken and remind you of the precious gift of life.
** Created in part with the help of Freedom from Addiction: The Chopra Center Method for Overcoming Destructive Habits.