If you’ve found this site, it’s likely that you are experiencing crippling heartbreak and betrayal. You want answers to why the person you love is treating you cruelly and acts like nothing you do is ever good enough…the person who once told you how wonderful you are. Today is the day you will finally get answers…
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You try to talk to them and offer understanding and compromise, but nothing you do ever seems to help your relationship?
- Every time you do think your relationship is on the mend, you get the rug pulled out from under you…again?
- You’ve been cheated on – possibly numerous times – yet feel a puzzling urge to stay in the relationship and prove your worth?
- You’ve been subjected to abandonment, silent treatments, and numerous breakups over the course of your relationship?
- Every time you think the relationship is over, your Ex makes promises to be better…promises that they break as soon as you’re back together?
- You’ve become so devastated by being shamed, ridiculed, and deceived that you can barely function day to day?
- They constantly correct your slight mistakes, making you feel “on guard”, unintelligent, and leaving you with the feeling that you are always doing something wrong?
- You’ve been verbally abused, cursed, and threatened over something minor. Suddenly, the next day they become sweet, doing all those little things they did when you started dating?
- They lash out at you, call you names, or say cruel or embarrassing things about you in private or in front of people?
- They consider your feelings and opinions worthless?