**Trigger Alert – This article may not be appropriate for all readers due to the possibility of triggering.
Welcome back, fellow soul-suckers, err…I mean Narcissists! Last week, we helped you discover ways to spot the perfect source(s) of supply. According to our company website, the results of Part One have been exceptional. Even better, the number of members in our gorgeous community is growing exponentially, making it harder for the general population to recognize our kind, which is one of our primary goals. Your secret is safe with us! Without further ado, on to the next step…
How to Ensnare Your Source of Supply like a Pro!
Okay, so you’ve found the perfect candidate for long-term personal gain. How do you prevent them from getting away? You’ve already exerted more effort than desired, so let’s cut to the chase, shall we?
The First Date
Since most potential sources of supply have issues with self-esteem (heck, even if they don’t) the first date is a piece of cake. You don’t really need to do anything differently from your normal routine. You know how you’ve been charming the socks off of your social circle for years? It’s like that…
When your date enters the restaurant, look them straight in the eyes as if from first glance, you know they are the one. When he or she sits down, don’t break the stare. If you get the right vibe, go ahead and take their hands in yours from across the table. Sit and look at them as though you are simply speechless. The best sources of supply love this deep stuff, so if they look affected by it, BULL’S EYE!
Compliment them on their appearance…their eyes, their hair. Make them feel like the King or Queen of the Universe. (Not only will you have them in the palm of your hand by the end of the date, the illusion that you are spell-bound will make the devaluing phase WAY more effective later and will have them running back to you over and over again like one of Harlow’s rhesus monkeys!)
Now that she’s under your spell, and the two of you have had a few giggles over a carafe of wine, let her in on how marvelous you are. The best sources of supply are usually a bit withdrawn at first, so she will feel relieved at your prattling on about yourself. Though she will feel insanely insignificant when you tell her about that Victoria’s Secret model you dated, it will do wonders to make her work obsessively to keep you later on. (We both know you didn’t really date that model, but what’s another lie in the big scheme of things?)
Randomly throw in questions that will make you seem interested in her background, childhood, and deepest thoughts. This way, you can find out what means the most to her and mold yourself like a Chameleon to mirror her. While your date will think you’re her perfect match, it’s really intended as a way to build up artillery for use later in the devaluing phase, when you strip her (or him) of their confidence.
By the end of the date, make sure you figure out if she uses social networks. When you get home, visit her Facebook page and find out what music, movies, and restaurants she likes…and get down to business. You can be like a perfect reflection of her in a matter of minutes! Then, plaster her page with “Thinking of You” messages every seven minutes. Which leads us to the next step…
Love Bombing
Just as the term sounds, “Love Bombing” is a psychological form of bombing used in the same way as military napalm. You will fire from all directions: call on their cell phone and/or land line at least five times every hour, send messages via social networks several times a day, send flowers and gifts to their office, show up to their place of employment a few times a week, casually “show up” at their favorite restaurant when you discover via Facebook they are meeting a buddy there…the possibilities are endless!
In effect, you will instill a false sense of oneness with your target. Since the average Supply has been disappointed by past experiences in dating, which further lowered their self-esteem, these tactics will have them falling for you like a blind roofer!
Once they’ve removed the walls they built up to protect their feelings, you can zero in on getting into their “cookie jar”. They will feel so close to you in such a short period of time, they will feel it’s only natural to let you in on another private and intimate part of themselves.
When you’ve gotten this far, BINGO! You’ve pretty much infiltrated the core of their being. The rest is a piece of cake. Go ahead and introduce the idea of a committed relationship, even marriage. Never mind it’s only been seven days since you met. You’ve found yourself a prime source of supply! Don’t forget to cement the false illusion by talk of the future…complete with a home and children. If that’s not their forte, talk about all the travelling you two will do together. Never mind that your Supply will end up paying for everything out of their pocket. You’ve got this in the bag!
For my followers, this article is intended to help victims and survivors of Narcissistic abuse to comprehend the cold, calculated thought processes of a typical Narcissist. It is no way intended to make you feel badly for having fell prey to one of them. The fact is, Narcissists typically choose the kindest, most generous souls to take advantage of, but that is not a reflection on us, it’s a reflection on them.
**”Narcissists like power, including the power of conquest. They seduce you, pulling out all the stops to make their affection seem genuine in order to exploit you, or entertain themselves, or prove that they still have what it takes to hook a target.
Essentially, they want to win, although what exactly constitutes winning changes with their circumstances and mood”. ~ **Donna Andersen, author of Lovefraud.com
“Don’t judge yourself by what others did to you.”
― C. Kennedy, Omorphi