Category Archives for The Red Flags of Narcissism

But He Says He Still Loves Me…

  (**Warning – Trigger alert) When he looks at you (perhaps adoringly, for effect) and says he still loves you, “in spite of your downward social status, unstable mental capacity, and the

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Why Won’t the Narcissist Move On?

Have you been ruminating on this question for weeks? Perhaps mistaking the Narcissist’s repeated reappearances for love or caring; forgiving your disordered partner for “being human”…the old “broken

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7 Things Your Narcissist Won’t Tell You

Is it possible you’re dealing with a narcissist?  Do they behave in cruel, demeaning, and confusing ways and you want to understand why?  Do you wonder if there’s hope for a better future with

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How to Live With a Cheating, Narcissistic Husband

This seems to be an area of concern, so I thought I’d share my insights.  This list is by no means exhaustive, but it should give one a general idea of how to live with this sort of arrangement.  Below,

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Will My Ex-Narcissist Treat His New Girlfriend Better?

Yes, at first he will. But keep in mind that when a narcissist is securing new supply, he will love-bomb her; just as he did you in the beginning. For those of you who are just learning about narcissism,

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What Will My Narcissistic Spouse Do When They Find out I'm Gone?

If you’ve finally left your Narcissistic spouse, I applaud you.  Though there is still a way to go in the battle for your freedom, this is the only first step that will help lead you there. While there

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Why Won’t the Narcissist Psychopath Leave Me Alone?

This is a common question among those who are thinking of leaving or have left an emotionally abusive partner (Narcissist, Sociopath, Borderline, etc.)  While some exceptions exist, the main reason that

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Reflections on My Time as Supply

I Bargained with Life for a Penny I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store; For Life is a just employer, He gives you what

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Why Do Narcissists Cry at Movies?

This is a popular search term with inquiring minds Googling the phrase about 357k times.  It’s also a common search that leads people to my site.  They want to know why the Narcissist cries at movies

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