Category Archives for Narcissism

Narcissism for Beginners – A Hand Guide: Part Two

**Trigger Alert – This article may not be appropriate for all readers due to the possibility of triggering. Welcome back, fellow soul-suckers, err…I mean Narcissists!  Last week, we helped you

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Why We Obsess Over the Narcissist and Become Despondent

*Trigger Alert* – Read with caution The Narcissist strips us of our self-esteem and instills in us feelings of unworthiness.  We are left a wounded child, one who has developed an exaggerated need

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Accepting the Necessity to Detach from the Narcissist

Making the conscious choice to leave someone you still care about, or even love, is never easy.  We grieve the loss of memories, shared moments, and the dream of what could have been.  Breakups and divorces

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When a Narcissist Cries…

Has the narcissist in your life performed a complete 180?  Have they switched from calling you every name under the sun, accusing you of evil intentions… to crying when they realize you are serious

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5 Reasons Why it’s Critical That You Leave Your Narcissistic Partner

I often hear from my readers about how they can’t seem to sever the ties and leave their Narcissistic partner.  They’re still holding onto hope that the nightmare will end and the love they’ve been

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Narcissist Telling Lies About Me

“Narcissistic Lies” is one of the top search terms on Google regarding narcissists.   If you’ve discovered the Narcissist in your life has been telling lies about you, you can bet money

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What Does The Bible Say About Narcissistic Behavior? Part 3 – Traitors

** Written by The Roadshow for Therapists PEOPLE WILL BE LOVERS OF THEMSELVES Narcissism is addressed in the Bible in Paul’s second pastoral epistle to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:1-7) in the fall of A.D.67. 

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Stalking Can Take Mental Toll on Victims, Study Confirms Of the many harassing behaviors that victims of Narcissistic abuse endure, stalking is perhaps one of the worst. 

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