Across the Ages

Sharing is caring


You and I were different once,

where did you end and I begin?

From the first touch I knew

we’d been bound throughout centuries.

Our lips together

made us whole again.

Each time we meet

my soul remembers our eternal love.

And each time I lose you

my spirit weeps in your absence.

For with each re-birth

our choices lead us astray.

And thus, I roam the earth

in wait for the next lifetime,

and pray I’ll recognize you sooner…


~ K S


Sharing is caring

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barbarafranken says October 22, 2013

Beautiful poem Kim…

    Kim Raya says October 22, 2013

    Thank you, Barbara 🙂

Mich-in-French says October 21, 2013

What every heart longs for – beautifully written Kim

    Kim Raya says October 21, 2013

    Why thank you! 🙂

Susan Irene Fox says October 20, 2013

Lovely. Connects to the heart and the spirit.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    Thank you! I’m glad it spoke to you. As always, nice to see you here 🙂

Steve Lakey says October 20, 2013

Beautiful writing, Kim.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    Thanks, Steve! That means a lot 🙂

idiotwriter says October 20, 2013

Reblogged this on Idiot Writing and commented:
Oh I just have too – way too beautifully important to not see, and feel…

imnotyourfavoritepossession says October 20, 2013

Loved reading this. Great work!

There are so many competing voices about love and eternity in my head, I’m not sure which ones to listen to anymore. Maybe the one that speaks to me when the time is right.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    I believe there are people whom we are destined to love, or perhaps have always loved…

    Then, there are people whom we encounter that prove difficult and/or devastating. These are the ones that lead us toward our spiritual growth process.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    And, thanks for your kind comments, by the way 🙂

bethbyrnes says October 20, 2013

Beautiful poem and picture, Kim. Lovely to read and see.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    Thank you, Beth, for the encouragement. I am trying to coax out my creative side that’s been stifled for so long…

      bethbyrnes says October 20, 2013

      This is the place to do it, Kim. Your blog can be so many things, to show all your many wonderful facets.

        Kim Raya says October 21, 2013


Anonymous says October 20, 2013

beautiful poem Kim.

    Kim Raya says October 20, 2013

    Thank you for the kind comment. I’m glad you liked it 🙂

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