Category Archives for Surviving Narcissistic Abuse

Reflections on My Time as Supply

I Bargained with Life for a Penny I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store; For Life is a just employer, He gives you what

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Why Do Narcissists Cry at Movies?

This is a popular search term with inquiring minds Googling the phrase about 357k times.  It’s also a common search that leads people to my site.  They want to know why the Narcissist cries at movies

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Using Essential Oils to Reduce Anxiety

More and more people are turning to essential oils to address the spiritual, physical and emotional components of the body.  But because essential oils are natural and can’t be patented, there are no

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Easing the Sting of “Rejection”

I get emails every day from people who are stuck in an obsessive cycle of feeling worthless, unattractive, and “no good”.  This happens because the Narcissist in their life conditioned them to believe

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10 Lies We Mistake for Love – Part II

This post is the second in a two-part series.  To see the first one, click here. Lies We Mistake for Love – continued… 6.  You believe you have to earn love Love should not depend on what you can

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Breaking No Contact Can Hurt You in Court

How many times have you found yourself in this situation? “I don’t know why he has to be so hateful.  I only called him so I could tell him…” No judgement here.  I did this all the time before

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When the FOG Lifts…Clarity and Awareness after Leaving the Narcissist

When I was a little girl, I would sleepwalk.  I’d wake up on the living-room couch, or sometimes even on the floor.  It left me with a very bizarre feeling because I couldn’t comprehend how I could

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Forgiving the Narcissist vs. Abuse Amnesia

Forgiveness.  It’s all over the media.  If we want to live a stress-free life, clear our energy channels, and obtain forgiveness from our Creator, we must learn to forgive.  In the words of the Buddha,

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What to Do When Your Family and Friends Disappear During Your Recovery

You’ve done it.  You finally moved out, initiated No Contact and so far, you’re holding your position and looking forward to your recovery from narcissistic abuse.  You feel unsure of yourself and

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