How Excessive Reading About Narcissism Can Perpetuate the Trauma Bond

The aftermath of a toxic relationship can be emotionally devastating. Survivors often find themselves in a state of confusion, hurt, and self-doubt, struggling to untangle the emotional web left behind.

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The Illusion of Healing Emotional Trauma: Why Freebies and Videos Aren’t Enough

In a world where instant gratification and quick fixes seem to dominate our lives, the idea of healing emotional trauma can often be oversimplified. We’re bombarded with offers of freebies, self-help

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Exploring the Genetic Influences of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy toward others.

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Give Your New Relationship a Fighting Chance After Narcissistic Abuse

Love is a powerful force that can mend even the deepest wounds, but toxic exes can leave scars that linger long after the relationship has ended. For those who have endured narcissistic abuse, the journey

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Psalm 91 Protection Ritual to Ward Off Adversaries and Keep Yourself Safe

The use of candles and prayer for protection is a very ancient practice, rooted in folklore and spiritual systems of belief. White candles, in particular, stand out for their use in rituals related to

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6 Ways to Unabashedly Be Yourself in a World of Illusions and Fakeness

In a society where appearances reign supreme, and superficiality is celebrated, it can be challenging to stay authentic and be yourself. We live in an era that often glorifies fakeness, where we are constantly

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How Narcissists Operate Without Conscience

In the realm of psychology, few personalities and characters captivate attention and ignite curiosity as the narcissist. Characterized by an insatiable need for validation and admiration and an absence

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A Critical Look at Attachment Styles Theory

In recent years, numerous authors, bloggers, and public figures have written and spoken about attachment styles (myself included). This concept suggests that an individual develops a particular pattern

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Narcissism Is Not Neurodivergence: Why We Need to Stop Grouping Them Together

Neurodivergence refers to having a brain that works differently from more typical brains. A neurodivergent person may have mental health issues or learning disabilities that provide them with unique strengths

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