All posts by Kim Saeed

Love After Abuse: The Myth of Safety By Avoiding Dating Apps

When it comes to finding healthy love and dating after abuse, many suggest meeting people in person instead of using dating apps, believing it’s safer. However, it’s crucial to understand that

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Narcissistic Love Is Fake Love: Manipulative Affection In Action

In interpersonal relationships, where love is often considered the bedrock of connection and understanding, there exists a dark element characterized by manipulative affection within narcissistic abuse. Today’s

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Charm vs. Harm: How to Recognize and Resist Narcissistic Manipulation

Navigating toxic relationships is a complex journey, and one of the most deceptive tactics used by manipulative individuals is the “charm offensive.” This calculated strategy, employed not

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Infantilizing Narcissists: A Closer Look at Enabling Toxic Behavior

In the world of narcissism and its effects on relationships and society, a topic often overlooked is the tendency to infantilize narcissists. This approach, albeit well-intentioned at times, inadvertently

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The Dark Truth About Narcissistic Predators In Toxic Relationships

To many, the term “narcissist” conjures an image of a deeply wounded soul in need of healing and understanding. However, the reality of narcissistic individuals often strays far from this perception.

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Earth Magic For Soul Healing: Exploring Ancient Traditions and Practices

In the journey of recovering from emotional abuse, the path to healing can be winding and challenging. This journey can leave us feeling lost, broken, and disconnected from our own souls. However, there

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Embracing the Shadows: Samhain as a Powerful Tool for Shadow Work

As the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisp, the ancient Celtic observance of Samhain emerges to remind us of the cyclical nature of life and death. Samhain, pronounced ‘sow-in,’ is

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Decoding The Language Of The Unavailable In Dating Profiles

In the digital age of romance, dating profiles have become the canvas upon which we paint our ideal selves, presenting carefully curated images of who we hope to be and find in a partner. We swipe, click,

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Embracing Therapeutic Surrender As a Path to Healing After Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a silent but insidious form of trauma that can leave deep scars on a person’s psyche. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse often goes unnoticed, making it even more challenging

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