Live Your Best Life After Toxic Relationships.

Hi, I’m Kim…

The journey to healing from pain and heartbreak involves more than just breaking free from toxic individuals and situations. It requires an active commitment to self-discovery, self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries,  and prioritizing self-care.

I understand the depth of the emotional scars left by a lifetime of self-abandoning programming and people-pleasing. After years of neglecting yourself, it takes immense strength to rebuild a fulfilling existence.

As a Recovery Coach (and abuse survivor), I’m here to help you heal the most important relationship you’ll ever have – the one with yourself.

You don’t have to walk through the sacred fire of transformation alone.

I have worked with hundreds of women who have given their vitality to the service of others. Women who wonder why their life force has waned.

Together, you and I can walk your path to transformation.

We will dismantle old programming so that you can discover your genuine self.

We will dissolve old patterns so that you can experience freedom, learn to ground yourself, manage overwhelming emotions, and move more easily into new and healthier ways of living.

THRIVE Program

What if higher levels of healing and rebuilding your life could happen quicker than you imagined, allowing you the peace and independence to begin realizing the happiness you thought was impossible?

It's time to let go of the baggage weighing you down. THRIVE provides a safe space for self-reflection and healing. Unpack the emotional baggage, forgive yourself, and pave the way for a fresh start!

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FINALLY wake up from the nightmare so that you’re no longer drowning in feelings of unworthiness and self-loathing.

Here, you’ll get access to healing methods that are proven to work. My programs have received numerous accolades from the psychological and neuropsychological communities.